A tip jar has been added if you wish to help support CritterDex (which will always remain free to use)
Press “Control" instead of “Shift" to view the Shortcuts panel (this will no longer interfere with taking screenshots)
You should no longer see an infinite loop of reloading when a new version is available
Added a "Check for Updates" button to the Info tab
4 April 2021
You can now press C to reset filters
You no longer have to hold Shift to view the Shortcuts panel, just pressing it will keep it on screen
28 March 2021
Shortcut keys have been expanded, press and hold Shift to view the list of available shortcuts
Pressing Escape will now also clear the search field
Updated icon for the Info tab
21 February 2021
Months in the Availability tab are now highlighted golden when all Arriving and Leaving critters for a month have been caught
If a critter is available in the current month, its' active times are now displayed at the top of its' detail page
Weather now displays for Snails
Fixed display issues with the completion message
Refreshed the styling of some controls
Improved favicon
Improved app icon when installing CritterDex on a desktop platform
25 January 2021
A new completion message is displayed on the Critters tab when you have caught all critters
Stats now display golden when a whole critter type has been caught
If you mark a critter as caught while a filter is active and there are no critters left to display, the “No critters found” message will now display
If you mark a critter as caught outside of the Critters tab, it will no longer be removed
31 December 2020
Added Bubble information for Sea Creatures. This information is derived from Shadow Size and Movement Speed
Added Bubble filter
If you have no Critters available because of your default filter settings, the "No critters found" message is now displayed
Changed the Appearance and Language options to use context menus
Updated the icons in the Info tab
28 November 2020
Added a View all Critters button to the Critters tab
11 November 2020
Ants now appear on Candy as well as Rotten Turnips
Flies display their location again, which now also includes Used Fountain Fireworks
Trash filter now works again
Added Candy and Diving Location filters
Added tooltips
Added launch images for new iPhones and iPads
19 September 2020
Added Movement Speed filter
When using the Catch Status filter the list of critters will now immediately reflect change in status
The "Current" shortcut menu item has been renamed to "Availability"
The header image for the Chambered Nautilus is no longer missing
A Sync Code will now be generated if you have caught Sea Creatures but no Insects and Fish
Added an alert when you successfully copy a Sync Code to your clipboard
17 August 2020
The Current tab has been renamed to the Availability tab
Added a filter to the Availability tab which allows you to see what critters are available in any month of the year
11 July 2020
Fixed an issue with Evening Cicada, Giant Isopod, Piranha, and Walking Stick not displaying if they are active in the current month
Added support for Shortcut Menus to quickly open Critters, Current, and Island tabs. This can be accessed by long pressing or right clicking the CritterDex app icon for browsers that support this feature
9 July 2020
Added Catch Difficulty and Vision for Fish in their detail card
Great White Shark, Hammerhead Shark, Saw Shark, Whale Shark, and Suckerfish have had their Shadow Size updated
Medium Fin and Large Fin Shadow Size filters have been merged in to a single Fin filter
6 July 2020
Added Sea Creatures
Added a Type filter for Sea Creatures
Added a counter for Sea Creatures in the Catch Stats
Bugs have been renamed to Insects to be more consistent with the game
Added permanent refresh button for the Critters tab
The refresh button will now work for the Right Now filter
A message is displayed on the Current tab if there are no new or leaving critters for the month
Fixed an issue with Default Hemisphere filter labels not displaying in Korean
11 June 2020
Now available in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Chinese, Chinese (Traditional), and Russian. If you find any errors with translations please submit corrections
You can now sync catch status with other devices. Check this out in the Info tab
Added Catch Status as a default filter
Added support for browser navigation buttons and the Android Back button
Updated the list of Islands so more are displayed
Fixed the size of images on Trash Island
Month name in the Current tab is no longer duplicated when changing your default hemisphere
Unchecked status buttons no longer have a tick so their meaning is more clear
30 May 2020
Header images in the Critters tab are now the correct size in Chrome-based browsers
26 May 2020
Island data has been updated to match the New Horizons 1.2.0 update
Some islands have been renamed to match those on the Animal Crossing Wiki
Hybrid Flower Island and Big Fish Island #1 have been removed as they are no longer found in New Horizons from 1.2.0 onwards
Removed duplicate bugs on Rugged Tree Island and Flat Tree Island
25 May 2020
Removed horizontal scrollbars that shouldn't have been visible
Clear search buttons now properly clear out the main panel on tablet and desktop
Catch Stats and version number in the Info tab is now set on first run
21 May 2020
Added Catch Stats to the Info tab
Optimized images reducing the initial install size
You can now use the Escape key to dismiss cards
18 May 2020
Fixed an issue with critters showing outside the end of their active hours when the Right Now filter is active
Removed the catch rate boosted badge from the Current tab when the Rain filter is active
16 May 2020
Full list of fish and bugs
Extensive list of filters
See what critters are arriving and leaving in the current month
Full list of Mystery Tour islands detailing what resources and critters are available on each