Added data for iPad (A16), iPad Air 11" (M3), and iPad Air 13" (M3)
Fixed context menus in Settings on small screens getting clipped
Retired tvOS Overscan and iPadOS 14 Widget metrics
Adjusted the Status Bar and Scroll Clearance Margin metrics for models that support watchOS 11
21 February 2025
Added data for iPhone 16e
A new more visual design for Display Options
You can now select an OS theme other than your device's native OS
Added Shantell Sans, SF Pro, Product Sans, Segoe UI, System Serif, and System Monospace as font options
Added accent colours from the macOS iMac 2024, Android, and Windows sets
Updated some elements to better match the latest version of iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows
Colours now use DisplayP3 for a more vibrant look if your display supports that
Made improvements when increase contrast is on
Made improvements when large text is selected
Fixed modals overflowing on Android
Fixed segments jumping around when hovering on them on Android
The minimum browser requirements have been increased to Chrome 123, Edge 123, Firefox 128, Safari 18, and Opera 109 (Screen Sizes may work on older browsers but performance is not guaranteed)
19 October 2024
Added iPad mini (A17 Pro)
Updated naming of iPad generations to match their official names
Updated Apple Watch data
Updated Compare Models Columns settings
Fixed being able to generate multiple shortcut keys panel
10 September 2024
Added iPhone 16 Series and Apple Watch Series 10
Added Camera Control data
Added group by Action Button to iPhone
Updated Sales Dates data
Updated Data Sets data
Corrected hardware identifiers for iPhone X, iPad Pro 11" (1st Gen), and iPod touch (7th Gen)
11 June 2024
Added 2024 data set
Added data for Apple Intelligence
Updated OS Support data
Updated Widgets guide
Updated Live Activities guide
Updated Icons guide
Updated iPad Pro (M4) and iPad Air (M2) hardware identifiers
8 May 2024
Added data for iPad Pro 13" (M4), iPad Pro 11" (M4), iPad Air 13" (M2), iPad Air 11" (M2)
Updated Sale Dates data
Updated Store Screenshots guide
24 February 2024
The OS Support and Sale Dates charts now support Apple Vision data
Updated visionOS icon grid
9 January 2024
Updated the Store Screenshots guide with support for visionOS
14 September 2023
Added data for iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, Apple Watch Ultra 2, Apple Watch Series 9 (45mm), and Apple Watch Series 9 (41mm)
Added data for Hardware Identifiers, Night Shift, and Double Tap
Improved the layout of the spec sheet to make it more clear what platform features a model supports
The Group By panels and Compare Models chart columns have been reorganised to match the new spec sheet order
Updated Group By modes and Feature Share charts
Added Action Button support for iPhone
The Stage Manager column in the Compare Models chart now indicates whether an iPad will use the Extended Display or only the Internal Display
The Sketch design templates are no longer supported
The Preferred Group option now works again
The minimum browser requirements have been increased to Chrome 112, Edge 112, Firefox 117, Safari 16.5, and Opera 98 (Screen Sizes may work on older browsers but performance is not guaranteed)
22 June 2023
Reduced the initial load file size of Screen Sizes by 37%
Added more details about the Expanded Live Activity template
Added macOS and visionOS details to Data Sets guide
Added macOS Widget sizes to the Widget guides
Added Circular watchOS Widget sizes
Improved the display of searches when there are no results
Fixed the broken image when sharing Screen Sizes links
Removed the Keyboard layout guide as the size listed was only for the English keyboard but the size of the keyboard is dynamic based on the language selected
13 June 2023
Added 2023 data set
Added Standby Mode support for iPhones
Added Apple Support Status to devices
Added Live Activity metrics for iPads
Added iPad Lock Screen Widget metrics for iPads
Added Rectangular Widget metrics for Apple Watches
Added new widget columns for iPad and Apple Watch
Added Standby Mode as a category in the Feature Share chart
Added Widgets guide and merged the Complication guide in to it
Added visionOS icon guide
Updated the Live Activities guide and made it accessible from the sidebar
Updated OS Support data
The logical resolution of the selected models in the Display Shapes viewer are now listed
Screen Sizes will now load correctly if it encounters a URL with email campaigns or website tracking queries
Screen Sizes no longer uses the macOS theme on large iPads
Removed iPadOS 14 widget sizes from iPad pro 12.9" (6th Gen) and iPad Pro 11" (4th Gen) because they do not support iPadOS 14
Fixed some small display issues on the OS Support chart, Sale Dates chart, when searching models, and when using the browser back button or the back swipe gesture when navigating backwards from any of the Settings pages
The minimum browser requirements have been increased to Chrome 106, Edge 106, Firefox 113, Safari 16, and Opera 94 (Screen Sizes may work on older browsers but performance is not guaranteed)
30 January 2023
Added support for the Atkinson Hyperlegible font which is designed to help people with low vision
Display Radius values in the Compare Models chart will now respect the unit and display zoom level you have chosen
8 January 2023
Screen Sizes has been given a visual refresh to feel more at home on Android, Windows, and macOS
The Feature Share categories have been reorganised to match the new spec sheet order
25 December 2022
Added metrics for Lock Screen Widgets
Refreshed the model spec sheet to be easier to read
The Group By panels and Compare Models chart columns have been reorganised to match the new spec sheet order
You can now press / to activate search fields on the OS Support, Sale Dates, and Display Shapes charts
Added new shortcut keys for navigating to OS Support, Sale Dates, Feature Share, and Display Shapes charts
Fixed layout issues for the Display Shapes chart when Screen Sizes is saved to your home screen
Updated Display Radius values for Larger Text mode
The URLs for the Icons guides, Complications guides, and Settings pages have been updated
The minimum browser requirements have been increased to Edge 99, Firefox 98, Chrome 99, Safari 15.4, and Opera 86 (Screen Sizes may work on older browsers but performance is not guaranteed)
19 October 2022
Added data for iPad (10th Gen), iPad Pro 11" (4th Gen), iPad Pro 12.9" (6th Gen), Apple TV 4K (3rd Gen)
Added support data for Apple Pencil Hover
Updated Display Shapes design template files
Update Sale Dates data
4 October 2022
Added Display Shapes chart to help you compare the relative sizes, corner radius, and cutouts of different displays
Added metrics for Live Activities, including Dynamic Island metrics
You can now control which columns are visible in the Compare Models chart
Added new Design Templates guide with links to the Icon Grid template and brand new Display Shape template for Figma and Sketch
Added Display Radius value to model sheets and the Compare Models chart
Added group by Action Button to the Apple Watch models list
Updated the iPad models that support Stage Manager and More Space Display
Renamed "Zoomed Display" to "Larger Text" and "Standard Display" to "Default" to better match how they are displayed in iOS and iPadOS
12 September 2022
Added Camera Housing column to the iPhone Compare Models chart
Added Camera Housing category to the Feature Share chart
The Zoomed Display, More Space Display, and Downsampled Feature Share charts now show individual resolutions
Grouped the categories in the Feature Share chart so that it matches the Group By panel
The selected Feature Share chart category will now be highlighted in the category picker
Corrected an issue with the Display Type property for Apple TVs
Corrected an issue with the Display Size column in the Compare Models chart
8 September 2022
Added data for iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max, Apple Watch SE 2 (40mm), Apple Watch SE 2 (44mm), Apple Watch Series 8 (41mm), Apple Watch Series 8 (45mm), and Apple Watch Ultra
Added Sale Dates chart to help you get a better idea of how long devices are available
Added Apple Pencil support data
Added Ultra Wideband support data for Apple Watches
Added Display Shape column to the Apple TV Compare Models chart
Added Always On column to the iPhone Compare Models chart
Added Action Button and Ultra Wideband columns to the Apple Watch Compare Models chart
Added support to group iPhones by Always On
Added Always On Feature Share chart
Updated Sale Dates for iPhones and Apple Watches
Updated the watchOS Icon Guide
2 August 2022
Added support for displaying downsampled resolutions to the Plus and mini iPhones
Added links to official guidelines for Widgets, Multitasking, and Size Classes
Added Always On column to the Apple Watch Compare Models chart
Updated Store Screenshots guide with details on the maximum number of screenshots you can submit for each store and links to official guidelines
Updated the iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and iMessage Icon guides for the changes made in iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and watchOS 9
Updated the Figma and Sketch icon export documents to match the newly introduced icon sizes
Updated widget sizes based on updated Apple documentation
Corrected the Zoomed resolution of the iPhone 6s Plus
Fixed an issue where you if you set your zoom mode on the Compare Models chart you then wouldn't be able to see the model sheet for some devices in the OS Support chart
Fixed an issue with the search bar positioning on the Compare Models and OS Support charts when Screen Sizes was saved to the iPad Home Screen
11 June 2022
Added a Feature Share chart to help you get a picture of how supported each feature is
Added the 2022 data set
Added Processor, Stage Manager support, and Reference Mode support data
Added support for viewing iPads with their More Space display metrics
Updated OS Support data
Updated CarPlay and Complication guides
Renamed the Tools section to Charts
You can now click on the names of models in the Compare Models and OS Support tables to view the data sheet for that model
Tidied the look of search results
19 March 2022
Expanded the Display Size information in the CarPlay guide
Removed the iPadOS 14 Widget sizes from the iPad Air (5th Gen)
Updated sale data for iPod touch (7th Gen)
9 March 2022
Added OS Support chart which gives you a visual way to see how long each model has been supported
Added data for iPhone SE (3rd Gen) and iPad Air (5th Gen)
23 February 2022
A refreshed design that focuses on making it easier to browse data and a new app icon
Added data for Sale Dates, OS Shipped With, Screen Press, Biometrics, NFC, Ultra Wideband, Pro Motion, LiDAR, and Keyboard Size
Data sheets now display a single unit at a time (logical pixels, retina pixels, or points) that can be changed at any time
Screen Sizes now focuses on showing the latest data set and will display older data when appropriate
Models can now be grouped based on different criteria like Release Year, Display Size, Resolution, Support OS, and many more
Displays have been removed in favour of using model grouping to display that data
Models are now searchable
Added Guides for Icon Sizes, Complication Sizes, and Store Screenshot Sizes
CarPlay is now expanded in to a full guide
Teal added as an accent colour
Set your preferred text size and bold text
Set Open Dyslexic as your preferred font if needed
Disable motion and increase contrast if needed (Screen Sizes will also respect your device settings)
The sidebar can be hidden on larger displays
The Info section has been renamed to Settings
Added a reload button to Settings
You can now jump from a Device list to it's Compare table
Updated the images of some iPhones and iPads to make it easier to differentiate them
URLs have been updated to be cleaner and more readable. Individual models URLS are redirected, display URLs are redirected to a corresponding model, and other URLs have been retired
The minimum browser requirements have been increased to Edge 88, Firefox 89, Chrome 88, Safari 15, and Opera 74 (Screen Sizes may work on older browsers but performance is not guaranteed)
26 December 2021
Added PPI, Aspect Ratio, and Display Size for the Series 7 Apple Watch models
15 November 2021
Corrected aspect ratio data for 10.9" and 11" iPads
28 September 2021
Corrected resolution data for iPad mini (6th Gen)
25 September 2021
Added widget sizes for the 8.3" iPad
Updated device images for iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, Apple Watch Series 7 (41mm), Apple Watch Series 7 (45mm), iPad (9th Gen), and iPad mini (6th Gen)
18 September 2021
Added data for iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, Apple Watch Series 7 (41mm), Apple Watch Series 7 (45mm), iPad (9th Gen), and iPad mini (6th Gen)
Updated CarPlay supported devices
Corrected the PPI for iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPad (1st Gen), and iPad (2nd Gen)
21 July 2021
On iPadOS 15 widgets are now rendered offscreen and scaled down before being shown on screen, the values for iPad widgets in the 2021 data set now reflect this
12 June 2021
Added support for Always-On Apple Watch data
Fixed the positioning of the filter menu on the Comparison table
12 June 2021
Added Compare Models which displays all models in a table to make it easy to compare them
Added Data Sets as a way to view data from different OS releases
Choose to view measurements in Points or Pixels
Middle clicking will now open device information pages in a new tab
A tip jar has been added if you wish to help support Screen Sizes (which will always remain free to use)
Updated Last Supported By for iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, and tvOS 15
Added Extra Large widget size to the 2021 Data Set
All iPad widget sizes have been updated in the 2021 Data Set
Added Center Window multitasking size in the 2021 Data Set (Center Window Size Classes will come in a future update when I have that data)
Select your preferred accent colour to match your selection on macOS
Updated the styling of Settings on macOS to better fit in
Corrected model names for all Apple TVs (deep link URLs have changed to match)
Corrected resolution data for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Gen iPod touches
Corrected a label in the iPad Multitasking section
Added missing zoomed widget sizes for iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone 7 Plus
Improved the model images for all Apple TVs
Improved the display shape images for all Apple Watches
Renamed some iPhone display names to make them a bit clearer
Press "C" to switch to the Comparison table
Press "D" to switch to Data Sets
Press "/" to focus the search field on the Comparison table
Press "Control" instead of "Shift" to view the Shortcuts panel (this will no longer interfere with taking screenshots)
Decreased the transition time when changing screens on mobile
When you initially load Screen Sizes, your View setting is now respected
Added Acknowledgements page
20 May 2021
You should no longer see an infinite loop of reloading when a new version is available
Added a "Check for Updates" button to the Info screen
11 May 2021
The browser back button and back swipe now works properly on mobile
9 May 2021
Display sizes for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and CarPlay
List of models for each display size
Display properties including resolution, PPI, display type, ratio, and last supported OS
Safe Area, Size Class, iPadOS Mulitasking, and Widget size information